Prior to your first session and consultation, Maree will spend up to an hour or more creating your personal energy chart. This chart covers and evaluates the scale of the energetic balance of every organ in your body, your entire energetic system; chakras, auric field and meridians, as well as the endocrine system, mental, emotional and physical state, plus your overall vitality.
In an Energetic Healing session I may use any one of the different range of modalities.
Crystal Therapy, Colour Healing, Chakra, Meridian and Aura cleansing and alignment, Meditation, Kinesiology, Vibrational Medicine (including gem elixirs and flower essences), and Tapping.
In addition, I also recommend/prescribe:
Homeopathic Tissue Salts, Gem Elixirs, Flower Essences, Vitamins/Minerals, Wholefood & Plant-based Nutrition, and other health practitioners: Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Masseuse etc.